Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Having an affair?

One of my longtime customers came in the shop the other day (Im a barber for those of you that don't know) and said something that really shocked me. I was extremely busy so I wasn't talking very much while I cut his hair, you know a few words here and there but I really had to concentrate. I hadn't said anything for a few minutes when he causally says and I quote "so I think IM gunna have an affair". I was dumbfounded to say the least. Now Ive had guys tell me they where having affairs, just ended affairs, got drunk and hooked up with someone that wasn't there significant other and a hole laundry list of other crazy stuff. After the first couple of times hearing stuff like that you just aren't really surprised it rolls off your back you make some kinda joke about it and change the subject. But these where all after the initial incidents, mostly all in past tense. I don't think being in past tense makes any better of a situation but this guy said it as if he had just decided to order a hamburger. It gets better,
After I wiped the dumbass look off my face I responded "oh yeah?"
Flat out he said "Yeah I think it's time".
Now I tried to make a joke and change the subject by saying "does this women know you're going to have an affair with her?". Hahaha consensual sex is funny.
Totally cool he responded "I have a women in mind".
WHAT? Are you kidding. There was no question in his mind. I know he has been married for eight years, has two kids and a house with his wife. I asked if he thought maybe he should get a divorce. He turned his head to face me and said "Why? I still love my wife." His response was so cold I kinda had to laugh a little. I mean it's just such a ridiculous thing to say I laughed. I asked him if his wife knew. He continued "I think she knows it coming". He implied with his tone and expression that his wife and he had decided this together! Can you imagine that conversation
"So honey I think I want to bang someone else"
"Well lets weigh the pro's and con's"
Or did he try a little sweet talk
"You know I love you baby, would you mind if I sleep with other women?"
"Well as long as she is clean"
Did they decided this together? Like deciding to have a child: are we financial secure enough to handle this? Do we have enough love in our hearts for someone else? Did they call all there friends over to tell them? Can't you just see them sitting on the couch knees touching all their friends anxiously awaiting this big announcement.
"So we called you all here today" a little smiling look at each other "to tell you...we have decided to have affairs".

I know I made some jokes about this situation but I really hope he reads this and reconsiders his options.

Ps. I know I can't punctuate or spell correctly

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